Over the past few years, there have been a couple of bands turning heads and one that continues to do so is Leaves’ Eyes. After forming in 2003 in Germany/Norway, Leaves Eyes’ slowly built up a following and now, thirteen years later, fans are eagerly awaiting the new EP. Luckily, the details of this have now been release and we can tell you that ‘Fires in the North’ will be released October 7 for those in Europe and just under a month later in the US on November 4.
In all, there are five tracks on the EP with the main track being accompanied by an acoustic version for the first two. In addition to this, you will also find 2016 versions of Edge of Steel, Sacred Vow, and Swords in Rock. For those that have been following the Leaves’ Eyes story closely, you will know that this will be the first release of music since Elina Siirala took over from Liv Kirstine back in April 2016. At the time and still now, the move caused controversy and both parties have given contradicting reasons for the change. Although legal proceedings have begun on Kristine’s part, the new formation of the band will be looking to focus on the music over the next few months.
Currently, the band consists of Alexander Krull, Thorsten Bauer, Joris Nijenhuis, Pete Streit, and Elina Siirala. With this lineup, the group are set to go on tour in the US and Canada towards the end of the year with the first show coming from Charlotte. As we move through November and into December, Leaves’ Eyes will travel through Ottawa, Columbus, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, and more.
Having formed in 2003, Leaves’ Eyes have released a total of six albums with the most recent coming last year – King of Kings. In addition to this, they have also released five EPs with Fires in the North set to become the sixth before the year ends.
As a result of the change in lead singer, a lot has happened in recent months for the band and this is set to continue into 2017. After Elina took over, King of Kings was released in the form of a ‘tour edition’ and a new video and version of Edge of Steel was filmed and recorded to replace the vocals of the former member. In the months ahead, we are likely to hear news of how the proceedings for Liv Kristine are going but one thing is for certain – the fans will certainly be focusing on the music rather than the court battle and this EP news is likely to excite many.
Image source: https://fanart.tv/